A Fixation at First

"Life in the city can make you crazy 

For sounds of the sand and the sea. 

Life in a high-rise can make you hungry 

For things that you can't even see."

..... John Denver    

Spending our teenage in one of the busiest cities in the country, we were always looking for solace in something or the other that would take us away from the hubbubs city life. This age is infamously the one were people take up various "interests" that slowly turn into addiction. Although alcohol and tobacco topped the list, we had somehow got the taste of another kind of high which would take us places, literally. I don't specifically remember which one of us got addicted first but the only thing I remember is it took almost no time to transmit the fixation onto all five of us. The indomitable fixation for visiting new places, learning about new cultures, meeting various people and spending time in environments which were not all familiar, that was our kind of high.

Soon, these five travel-junkies set out for various tours and decided to register their experiences and share those with everyone. That's how the idea of "Travel With Bawallianz" was born. Here, we shall share or experience of our travels and we sincerely hope that fellow travellers find it useful for their upcoming journeys. Our tours are always a mixture of fun, playfulness and friendship. Let me introduce you to the team.

Para on Tiru
Para on Jyoti
Para on Dhruba
Para on Sahil
Para on me

Hope you'll have fun travelling with us, we're excited to hear from you, your opinions about our trips.

To get our travel videos, 
do subscribe our YouTube channel - Travel With Bawallianz YouTube Channel

Connect with us on Facebook - Travel With Bawallianz Facebook Page

Hope to see you soon, till then,

Stay safe!
Travel Safe!
Let the journey never stop!
